Issue 42

The one that features cultural diversity from the tribal portraits of Africa and exotic people of Asia to celebrity portraits of some of the most respected actors in the film and television industry.

Issue 40

The one featuring bold ideas from photographers in urban spaces: from shooting city night scenes, lighting performance artists along the way, to comedic moments on the streets

Issue 33

The one with practical tips for photographers on interpreting color correctly and translating it into their photographs.

Issue 32

The one with practical techniques for travel photography. It features adventures from the spiritual haven of India, classical cities of Europe, random encounters in the Americas, to the massive waves of Australia.

Issue 27

The one with techniques on how to shoot fantasy concepts from lake to the gorge. Lindsay Adler shows awesome set-ups for a creative studio lighting, while Tavis Glover debunks the Rule of Thirds.

Issue 25

The one showing you how to shoot awesome photos on the windy island of Lanzarote and on-top of the skyscrapers of New York City. Jay P. Morgan even creates a really windy scene in his studio, using a fan and a little bit of foliage.